The Beauty of Hopi
The meaning of the symbols are signs of faith in the forces of nature and reflect the philosophy of life of the Indians.
Even today, Hopi jewelry is still made by hand with great care and precision. This is known as the overlay technique. This means that two layers of silver of the same size are joined together using a complex soldering process and the symbols are cut out of the top layer using a fine fretsaw. The lower layer is then blackened with the help of an oxidizing agent and joined to the upper layer. This manufacturing technique was adopted as an official log type in 1957.

The meaning of the symbols are signs of faith in the forces of nature and reflect the Native American philosophy of life. Did you know that Hopi jewelry is the second most expensive Native American jewelry in the world? In the Southwest of the USA you will find many galleries from Santa Fe to Phoenix, but with very little Hopi jewelry, but more with Navajo or Zuni work. The reason is that there are very few Hopi Indians still making this jewelry.
all right reserved to the Artist and pa-so Member of SWA.A and H.Found A.A.N.A
Handcrafted from silver and gold
Hopi Jewelry for Lifetime
“Little on” (Grandfather) Listen: By wearing the symbols, we unconsciously and yet consciously change our actions on the path of our lives. So pay attention and it pays attention to you. ( Bear 1886 )
Selection pendant silver/9k (375) gold

The Sun Kokopelli

The Sun Bear Claw

The Sun Wolf Power

The Sun Hand (mit den 5 Sinnen)

Selection of rings silver/ 9k (375) gold
City of Hope.
Circle of Life.
Auswahl Ring silber/9k (375) gold

City of Hope Ring
silber / 9k (375) gold
Video explanation of this piece of jewelry coming soon.

Circle of Life Ring
silber / 9k (375) gold
Video explanation of this piece of jewelry coming soon.

Choice Ring silber/ 9k (375) gold
Power of The Sun.
Tow in Center of Life.

Choice Ring silber/9k (375) gold

Power of the Sun Ring
silber / 9k (375) gold

Tow in Center of Life Ring
silber / 9k (375) gold

Choice Armband silber/ 9k (375) gold
City of Hope.
Circle of Life.
Choice armband silber/9k (375) gold

City Of Hope Bracelet
silber / 9k (375) gold ca. 81g
Lady and Man Size

Circle of Life Bracelet
silber / 9k (375) gold ca. 80g. Lady or Man Size

Kokopellie Bracelet
silber / 9k (375) gold ca. 75g. Lady or Man Size
Explanation of this piece of jewelry shortly.